Enjoy our exclusive spotlight interview with…
the Etsy shop owner of The Fox In The Attic.
Tell us about your shop name…
► In London, where I live by the river, I frequently see wild urban foxes on the street, or in the garden, and on the shed roof. I knew I wanted the word ‘fox’ somewhere in the name, and the first idea I came up with was Velvet Fox. But after some more thought, the phrase The Fox In The Attic just popped into my head and my mind was made up. I subsequently discovered there is an old book with the same title, but it has nothing to do with what I’m doing.
Tell us about your logo…
► I designed and created the logo myself. Having studied graphic design and illustration in the past, I was very keen to come up with a striking and appealing logo, and knew how important having a good logo should be. Obviously having a fox in it somewhere was the central notion, and after a few tries I nailed it. Luckily, drawing and illustrating come very easily and naturally to me.
Tell us about your shop…
► One of the main things about my shop is that it is ever changing, with new products and ideas being tried out while other things are taken away. There is an almost organic, natural and certainly instinctive way that the shop has grown, and I hope it will continue that way. At the moment, my main focus is on bunnies and other animals, but I have also given my attention in the past to napkins, cushions, pillow cases, etc. It is very important for there to be a continuing thread (if you excuse the pun!) running through all my designs and creations, and for it to be apparent that they all come from the same ‘house’, so to speak. Building up a coherent and strong aesthetic identity for all my lines is always in the back of my mind.
Tell us about the items in your shop…
► The main pieces in my shop, and the most popular, are my animals and cushions. Animals include owls, cats, dogs, bunnies and foxes, while cushion designs incorporate clouds, hearts and animals.
Where do you get your inspiration?
► My inspirations come from all over the place. I love going to exhibitions of famous artists (Van Gogh, Gauguin, Kahlo) and more esoteric museum exhibitions. Nature is a central well-spring of inspiration, along with looking at nature illustrations and paintings from the past and present. Trees, flowers, botanical plants, insects, animals all find there eventual expression somewhere in The Fox In The Attic, along with historic pattern and architecture and a whole host of other varied sources.
Where can we find your work?
► Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/TheFoxintheAttic
► Blog: www.thefoxintheattic.com/
► Facebook: www.facebook.com/thefoxintheattic
► Twitter: twitter.com/foxintheattic1
► Pinterest: pinterest.com/foxintheattic/You cannot live without…
► My ginger cat Floyd and my soon-to-be husband. The possibility of travel. Cheese and ham toasties. My beautiful family from South Africa.
You‘re not a fan of…
► Most Haunted. Game of Thrones. Raisins in cakes. Florence & The Machine.We wouldn’t guess that…
► I was once a security guard.
One day, you hope to…
► Move to the country-side (Somerset, Devon or Cornwall maybe), start a little family, acquire more animals, have chickens, a bee-hive, a neat and tidy kitchen garden and hopefully continuing with The Fox in the Attic.
Do you have advice for other Etsy shop owners?
► If you have doubts in yourself or your products, don’t let it linger too long, try something new or reinvent something old and remember that if you love what you do you are already one of the lucky few.
Other Etsy shops you love…
There are way too many, but here are a few:
► www.etsy.com/shop/HannahMadden
► www.etsy.com/shop/olofsdaughters
► www.etsy.com/shop/LolasRoom
► www.etsy.com/shop/oneeyeddog
► www.etsy.com/shop/andsmile
Visit her shop or other sites to stay connected to this very talented artist!
One Eyed Dog - Gorgeous work! Thanks for the shout-out!
B-b-but… Game of Thrones is the bestest!!! 😉March 5, 2013 – 12:17 am