365 Photo Project Update: Day 301

Wow! I cannot believe I’m approaching the finish line of this 365 Photo Project! 
You Are Not A Leaf on 365 Project
YOU ARE NOT A LEAF  .  10.28.11  .  Day 301
Back in January when I started, I had several goals and a few initial thoughts of where this project might lead, but I NEVER expected this level of excitement and didn’t realize just how truly rewarding it would feel to succeed with such a challenge. I wanted to learn my new camera, and not only did I do that, but I am SO grateful for the opportunities that have arose because of this. In addition to taking tons of photos for work now, I also expanded my freelance art portfolio to include two engagement photo sessions, a maternity session, and currently have a few additional pending requests! 
To say this is a challenging project is a complete understatement. Believe me, it is well worth it and I would encourage ANYONE to give it a try! It just requires an intense commitment level. Today was officially Day 301, and I can honestly say that the actual “taking a photo a day” has become very routine and fairly simple at this point.  Some photos I love, some I don’t, but remembering to take them has gotten much simpler.  There’s this little internal alarm that goes off in my head around 10pm reminding me to snap something quick if I haven’t already that day.  I’ll admit though, that the most difficult part has become actually finding time to upload, edit, and post my photos! I went from posting every other day to posting once a week and then sadly (and recently) a few times came when I got nearly two weeks behind in posting! The posting daily isn’t a “requirement” for the project, but it certainly helps avoid having to search, figure out which photo was taken which day and then write a memorable description for the day. So, with that said, my advice is to POST OFTEN! 🙂
I think what I cherish most about this experience right now is concept of capturing time. It’s amazing how quickly this past year has flown by, but at the same time, I now am able to remember EACH day more clearly. Looking at the photos opens a floodgate of memories from each particular day. Everything seems a bit more clear than previous years. The timing is also quite ironic with the monumental events that have occurred this year (that I now have documented) including my engagement, wedding planning, a best friend’s proposal, countless vacations, expansions of my art business, and my (soon-to-be) completion of grad school!

I’ll share a handful of favorites since my last blog post 365 update ~ eek, back on Day 162.
Road to Hana on 365 Project
ROAD TO HANA  .  06.18.11  .  Day 169
Pool Buddy on 365 Project
POOL BUDDY .  06.29.11  .  Day 180
Engagement Shoot on 365 Project
ENGAGEMENT SHOOT .  07.02.11  .  Day 183
Our Eyes Meet on 365 Project
OUR EYES MEET .  07.04.11  .  Day 185
Wire Coil on 365 Project
WIRE COIL .  07.26.11  .  Day 207
Night Curve on 365 Project
NIGHT CURVE .  07.27.11  .  Day 208
The Proposal on 365 Project
THE PROPOSAL .  08.05.11  .  Day 217
Double Take on 365 Project
DOUBLE TAKE .  08.16.11  .  Day 228
Uniform Models on 365 Project
UNIFORM MODELS .  08.24.11  .  Day 236
Majestic on 365 Project
MAJESTIC .  09.11.11  .  Day 254
Little Booties on 365 Project
LITTLE BOOTIES .  09.18.11  .  Day 261
Three Shades of Woven on 365 Project
THREE SHADES OF WOVEN .  10.05.11  .  Day 278
Fallen Four on 365 Project
FALLEN FOUR .  10.13.11  .  Day 286
Approaching the finish line is definitely a bit bittersweet (wahoo ~ here’s to my remaining 64 days!).
I’m now slightly addicted to this creative-challenge concept, so be on the lookout for when I share details about my new idea for 2012! Also, I’d love to hear about any similar projects you all have done or plan to do!
To read prior blog posts related to the 365 project, please click here (just keep scrolling down) 🙂 
To view all current photos on the 365 website, please click here.

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