I had the joy of taking photos during this baby shower a few months ago, and the time finally came to meet precious little Brooke for her newborn session! At just 12 days new, she was the best little model (and quite stylish too I must add). I always encourage parents to consider incorporating meaningful pieces into their session, and Brooke’s parents had some incredible ideas.
Here you’ll find a handful of favorite photos from this session featuring:
beautiful Brooke (of course) . . .
an assortment of stylish headbands…
an old rocking horse that belonged to Brooke’s Dad when he was young . . .
a gorgeous tutu handmade by Brooke’s Mom (psst. she has an Etsy shop) . . .
a pair of Dad’s glasses . . .
Dad’s gavel from when he was fraternity President . . .
a colorful quilt made by Brooke’s Great, Great, Grandmother (originally for Brooke’s Mom’s) . . .
college yearbooks that belonged to Brooke’s Great Grandfather . . .
angle wings (from this lovely shop) . . .
Mom’s stylish black scarf . . .
a pair of Dad’s glasses . . .
Dad’s gavel from when he was fraternity President . . .
a colorful quilt made by Brooke’s Great, Great, Grandmother (originally for Brooke’s Mom’s) . . .
college yearbooks that belonged to Brooke’s Great Grandfather . . .
angle wings (from this lovely shop) . . .
Mom’s stylish black scarf . . .
and last, but not least, a guest appearance from Brooke’s sweet puggle-brother Ralph!
Please feel free to browse the entire high-resolution gallery here or see these photos on Facebook here for commenting and liking (wink, wink).
I’m including this next photo to emphasize how incredibly important it is to ALWAYS make sure baby is safe during newborn sessions! Although she’s seemingly alone sleeping on the horse, in reality she is not! Mom and Dad are both within arm’s reach – protecting their sweet girl – in case she wakes while I step back to take the photo.
I swear, although only 12 days old, this little lady has eyes that peer into your soul!
Any time Brooke woke during the session, she was content just staring… and I loved every minute of it!
I wish this sweet family ALL THE BEST during this exciting time!
Click here to visit the Limefish Studio Photography site.